
Showing posts from April, 2018

Make the Most of Mother's Day at Your Church

Mother's Day is the third highest attendance Sunday for churches because husbands and children often attend as a special blessing for their moms. Therefore, it is a fantastic day for outreach if you make the most of it. Tips: Encourage, recognize, pray for and celebrate moms Think about having a brunch for moms that day-- food always makes folks happy. Invite moms to attend weekday ministry events such as ladies' Bible studies, Mothers of Preschooler (MOPS) meetings, sewing groups or other places to plug in. (Consider a recipe card with a recipe on the front and ministry details on the backside.) Provide a way that members can invite others. Encourage them to look for guests and welcome them on Mother's Day. Give guests a takeaway printed on "seeded" paper that can be planted later. Perhaps list the website and social media addresses. Consider a ministry fair on Mom's Day that would showcase men's and youth ministries that would encourage gue...